Monday, October 18, 2010

After God's Own Heart

"Girls' Night Out" Bible study at The Heiskell School has begun and we're not wasting any time delving straight into God's word while reading A Young Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George as well as incorporating "bits and pieces" of Leslie Ludy's book Authentic Beauty. We are learning just what it means to yield every portion of our lives to Christ and " a set-apart existence for Him."

Join us on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 3:00 pm in the library as we play crazy games, fellowship with friends, old and new, and begin to understand the "authentic beauty" God has planted inside of each us when we give our hearts to Him.

  • Thursday, October 28, 2010
    • Read Chapter 1 of A Young Woman After God's Own Heart.
    • Bring in something that represents femininity to you.
    • Be prepared to discuss our three questions about Godly femininity.
    • Continue reading in Philippians.

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